What is the FDAT research data repository?

Institutional Affiliation: FDAT is the institutional research data repository of the University of Tübingen and is operated by the Digital Humanities Center.

Primary Objective: The purpose of FDAT is to provide a long-term archiving and public dissemination service for research data.

Management and Oversight: The Information, Communication and Media Center (IKM) is responsible for the oversight and management of FDAT, ensuring its efficient operation and adherence to academic standards.

Targeted Research Fields: While FDAT is an inclusive service open to researchers from all scientific disciplines at the University of Tübingen, there is a particular focus on supporting the humanities and social sciences.

Commitment to FAIR Principles: FDAT adheres to the FAIR guiding principles, aiming to ensure the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of its archived research data.

Commitment to Good Research Practice: FDAT is committed to enabling the DFG's Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice for research data, which emphasise on the public accessibility of archived and identifiable data for the in repository systems for a period of at least ten years.

Commitment to Open Access: FDAT is committed to the University of Tübingen's Open Access policy for research data, which emphasises transparency of research, reproducibility, and wider dissemination of knowledge among the public.

Technical Foundation: The technical framework of FDAT is derived from the open-source repository software InvenioRDM.

Who should make use of the FDAT repository?

As a researcher at the University of Tübingen, you might want to consider the FDAT repository for archiving and publishing your research data, particularly if you do not have access to discipline-specific repositories for that purpose. As an institutional repository, FDAT is not designed to meet the discipline-specific requirements of data management, processing and presentation that might be preferable or necessary for your type of data. As an alternative to FDAT, re3data provides a comprehensive directory to find discipline-specific research data repositories.

What are the core features of FDAT?

Continuous Development: FDAT is based on the InvenioRDM data management software, which has been continuously developed under the direction of CERN.

Preservation and Longevity: FDAT provides long-term safeguarding of research data, protected against unauthorized interventions or modifications, employing robust backup strategies and geo-redundant storage.

Scalability: FDAT is capable of handling large amounts of data and records. It can scale from a few records to millions and from small data volumes to several petabytes.

Persistent Identifiers: FDAT assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each record, ensuring unambiguous identifiability and increasing the potential for scholarly citation.

Visibility and Accessibility: Data hosted in FDAT gains increased visibility within the academic community and the general public, potentially increasing citation rates and enhancing academic impact.

Search Capabilities: FDAT utilizes a powerful search engine to support complex search queries, sorting, and filtering options to help users quickly find the data they need.

Data Management Tools: FDAT provides services for efficient data management, including metadata annotation and versioning capabilities.

Data Integrity: Multiple quality control measures are implemented to maintain the reliability and integrity of stored data.

Collaboration: FDAT allows researchers to create communities, collaborate with scientists and publish within their field of science.

Fast Publication: FDAT ensures rapid publication of data through the registration of DOIs immediately upon data upload.

Access Controls: FDAT allows for selective data sharing, such as allowing anonymised data to be shared with specific groups of people.

Dataset Version Control: The inherent versioning system of FDAT facilitates the seamless updating and iteration of datasets.

Is there a charge for accessing and/or depositing data in FDAT?

Access to Datasets: Datasets in FDAT can be accessed free of charge.

Data storage < 1 TB: Data from research projects at the University of Tübingen can be deposited in FDAT free of charge.

Data storage > 1 TB: For large quantities of data to be uploaded to FDAT in excess of 1TB, the storage capacity of FDAT may need to be expanded, which requires lead time and potentially the application for a storage project. Fees may apply for large data ingestion or specialised data curation services to cover storage, processing and maintenance costs. Researchers may contact the Digital Humanities Center for more information on this topic.

Where to get support for any further questions about FDAT?

Hosting Institution: Digital Humanities Center

Administrator: Dr. Steve Kaminski

Email: steve.kaminski@uni-tuebingen.de

Phone: +49 (7071) 29-77848